
5 Smart Strategies for Bathroom Remodeling

Bathrooms are highly important spaces at your place of business. Over time, even the nicest bathroom will require an update or renovation. Bathroom remodeling helps a workplace stay modern, and the right bathroom renovation strategies will create experiences that make guests, customers and team members more comfortable.

Are you wondering how to remodel a bathroom? To help you get started, here’s a look at five smart strategies for bathroom remodeling that you can use to ensure a successful project.

1. Emphasize Lighting

It’s amazing how much lighting matters in a commercial bathroom. The good news is that bathroom lighting is relatively affordable. You can get great bang for your buck by investing in high-quality lighting that makes your bathroom feel more welcoming, clean and comfortable.

2. Maintain the Layout

During a bathroom remodel, you may be tempted to move things around a little bit and change the layout. Don’t. When you adjust a bathroom layout, the project gets more expensive and more complicated — and in many cases, the final result makes owners and managers wish they had left things as they were. You can still be creative within your bathroom’s existing footprint. Just avoid changing the layout unless there are legitimate issues. That way, you’ll avoid all of the headaches that come with layout changes.

3. Enhance Ventilation

Bathrooms can be humid spaces that often house bad odors. By enhancing the ventilation system in your commercial bathroom, you’ll be able to dehumidify the space (which prevents mold) and remove bad odors quickly (which creates a better experience for bathroom users). Your bathrooms say something about your business, and enhancing the ventilation will help you make sure that something is positive.

4. Create Storage Spaces

You want your bathrooms to look nice and tidy when customers and guests use them. For that reason, try to create storage areas where bathroom cleaning supplies and materials can be stored. Too many commercial bathrooms include materials and supplies stacked in one corner where they can be seen. Keep these items handy but out of sight by installing new storage spaces.

5. Add Small Details

Small details matter when it comes to bathroom renovation strategies. Of the many small details you can consider, quality partitions should come first and foremost. Partitions can help create the right atmosphere, and they give bathroom users a sense of privacy and comfort that they desperately want and need.

At One Point Partitions, we offer a wide selection of high-quality, American-made partitions for commercial restrooms. No matter the nature of your remodel, we can provide partition solutions that help your project reach its full potential. We can even give you free samples and free quotes before you make an investment decision, arming you with the information required to make the best choice for your remodel project. If you’re interested in getting started with bathroom partitions, our team is here to answer questions and provide expert guidance.

Contact us today to learn more about adding partitions to your bathroom remodel.