
Sustainable Commercial Bathroom Design

Sustainable construction is an increasingly common practice for most builders and contractors today. Amid rising global awareness of our environmental impact and environmentally friendly design, many companies are choosing to opt for materials, layouts and appliances that are as sustainable and energy-efficient as possible.

One of the ways companies are cutting down on waste and unnecessary environmental impact is through their commercial restroom facilities design. Builders can now employ a wide range of construction techniques to implement eco-friendly bathroom designs while incorporating the latest commercial bathroom design trends.

How Can You Make a Commercial Bathroom Design Sustainable?

Most people don’t realize how much of an environmental impact an average commercial restroom can have. Standard sinks and toilets use a substantial volume of water per use, but the materials used to construct a communal bathroom play into a space’s overall environmental impact as well. Here are some of the major ways a commercial bathroom can become more sustainable.

Energy-Efficient Sinks and Toilets

To cut down on unnecessary water use, many builders opt for energy-efficient sinks, toilets and urinals. Because people often leave sinks running when they’re not using them or even forget to turn the sink off after they’ve used it, automatic sinks are popular options for commercial bathroom builders looking for sustainable bathroom options. Energy-efficient toilets are rising in popularity as well due to their water conservation features.

Energy-Efficient Lighting

Energy-efficient lighting has become standard in many parts of North America, and public restrooms are no exception. If you’re a building project manager or contractor weighting your commercial restroom lighting options, consider choosing energy-efficient LED light bulbs or even motion-detecting lights to cut back on the energy spent lighting a space that no one is using at a given time. The options are virtually endless!

Sustainable Sink and Partition Materials

Sometimes, designing an eco-friendly commercial bathroom requires a long-term vision. While energy-efficient sinks, toilets and lighting are certainly excellent solutions for reducing your commercial restroom’s environmental footprint, choosing sustainable and/or 100% recyclable materials reduces bathroom materials’ future impact on landfills and material production.

Stainless steel, for example, is a fantastic choice for bathroom stall partitions and surfaces due to its 100% recyclability. Opting for recyclable or long-lasting bathroom sink and partition materials will help ensure that when it does come time to overhaul your current bathroom materials for a new design, the old materials will generate as little waste and environmental harm possible.

Sustainable Materials From One Point Partitions

At One Point Partitions, we cater to builders and contractors who prioritize sustainability in their designs. That’s why we offer affordable, sustainable bathroom partition materials such as stainless steel and other recyclable options. If you have any questions about our materials and their sustainability factors, simply talk to one of our friendly experts!

Contact One Point Partitions Today

If you’re looking for sustainable materials for commercial bathroom designs or would simply like more information about our products and services, connect with us online today, and we’ll be happy to help!

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