
Bathroom Stall Poetry

Inspiration strikes at the most unexpected of times. In some cases, itā€™s a song on the radio that perfectly captures […]

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Top Trends in Bathroom Tiles

There are many ways to create a unique, attractive and appealing commercial bathroom space. The color of your walls, type […]

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The First Toilets on TV!

  The first airplane flight. The first man on the moon. The first toilet on TV. Okay, so that last […]

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Time for a Little Bathroom Music!

Weā€™re all familiar with elevator music ā€” that smooth, relaxing style of music commonly played in elevators. Typically, these songs […]

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Adding Light to Your Commercial Bathroom

Adding light to a bathroom sounds like an easy task, right? Install more lights or brighter bulbs and youā€™re done. […]

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21 Iconic Movie Bathroom Scenes

How many great movies are set entirely in a bathroom? Probably none. Certainly, none come to mind, but if we […]

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